The graduates of the Master’s Program in Indonesian Language Education, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, will become:
- Indonesian Language and Literature lecturers
- Indonesian Language and Literature Education researchers
- Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) instructors
- Indonesian Language and Literature Education consultants
Table 1. Graduate Profile and Description
Graduate Profile
Indonesian Language and Literature Lecturers
- Having the educational knowledge
- Having the linguistic knowledge
- Having the literary knowledge
- Having the Indonesian language skills
- Having the Indonesian literary skills
- Having the ability to develop teaching practices
- Having the ability to assess students’ language learning outcomes
Indonesian Language and Literature Education Researchers
- Having the ability to analyze Indonesian language teaching activities
- Having the ability to investigate the language use activities to improve the Indonesian language teaching quality
- Having the ability to research the literary activities to improve the Indonesian language teaching quality
Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) Instructors
- Having the ability to design the BIPA curriculum
- Having the ability to carry out the BIPA teaching process
- Having the ability to evaluate the BIPA teaching and learning process
Indonesian Language and Literature Education Consultants
- Having the ability to generate solutions to Indonesian language learning difficulties
- Having the ability in the development and cultivation of the Indonesian language